Thursday, June 29, 2006


Hello, my name is Tony Burns and I hate golf.
Perhaps "hate" is too strong a word but I strongly dislike golf. The same goes for soccer, figure skating, hockey and curling.
I don't watch these sports but it doesn't bother me if you do.
I say this in response to the anti-WNBA folks out there who believe anyone who watches women playing basketball (or any other sport for that matter) are either mildly retarded, gay or nerdy.
I'm none of these things, although the nerdy part could be argued, but I do enjoy women's basketball. I enjoy all kinds of basketball. I am a basketball fan.
I enjoy watching the WNBA, partly because in the summer, it's the only brand of basketball on television. When I tell people I enjoy the WNBA, I'm met with strange looks, laughter and ridicule.
There are a lot of things wrong with the WNBA. The officiating is atrocious and the marketing is bad. I often question the competency of some of the coaches.
But, for those who say they don't watch the WNBA because it lacks intensity, I say BONK!!
It's a different game from the NBA, no doubt.
Newsflash: Women don't play the same as men.
But, it's a beautiful game, nontheless. I think most true basketball fans can appreciate the skill and athletic ability showcased in the WNBA.
And, even if you can't appreciate it, don't knock me because I do.
• • •
Today's absolutely adorable athlete is
New York Liberty point guard Becky Hammon

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Test 1

What the heck is a blog and why am I doing one?
As a sports writer, you'd think I would get tired of writing about sports. Actually, I don't.
Working for a small newspaper in Arkansas, my sports subjects are somewhat limited. I can write about local football and basketball or the Razorbacks. That's about all the local readers want to know about.
So, this blog will be used to write about other things I'm interested in that might not be appropriate for the El Dorado News-Times.
I love basketball. I love football. I can watch either of those sports at every level, from junior high to professional.
I also love pro wrestling. Ssshh! Don't tell anybody.
Sports and wrestling are pretty much the only things I watch on televison.
Okay, I do turn to MTV for some of its reality shows. I was hooked on Diddy's Making the Band 3. Maybe it was Diddy asking Aubrey if she had any black in her that got my attention.
Whatever, between watching sports and wrestling and playing college football (dynasty mode) on my Xbox, I don't have much of a social life. So, why not spend the rest of my free time writing on a blog?
My God, if someone out there has an extra life, could I borrow it?
• • •
Today's absolutely adorable athlete is Seattle Storm All-Star Lauren Jackson.