Thursday, July 17, 2008

Summer camp at PC

I must say I did enjoy getting back into the gym last week at Parkers Chapel's basketball camp. All I did was watch from the sideline but, just being in a gym is at least a start to getting some exercise.
I think the PC coaches were a little disappointed with the low number of girls. But, that didn't stop them from giving quality instruction. I've seen other coaches put on camps and the amount of effort they put in depended on how much money they figured to make.
Coach Young and Coach Laymon didn't have a whole lot of kids so they spent extra time working with the ones who were there. Those 20 girls got more than they bargained for for their parents' money.
A few Lady Trojans (Savanna Langston, April Barker and Lauren Morgan) helped out along with OBU's Marandalynn Parker. It was an interesting week, apparently for Marandalynn, who talked about majoring in accounting or business or something when the week began. On Friday, she said she is re-thinking about being a coach.
A word of warning though, it's a lot easier teaching little kids who think YOU'RE a goddess than it is coaching teenagers who think THEY are.
It was also fun talking basketball with the two coaches. Coach Young is still trying to figure out his roster for next season. It might not look like he envisioned before the summer started but it might turn out to be a lot better than he thinks, right now.
As for Coach Laymon, the older I get the more I start to think like he does. That's not necessarily a good thing.
Speaking of not so good things, Matt Jones' arrest on drug charges has half the state in shock and the other half amused. I must admit to being a bit surprised. I thought he enjoyed hunting and fishing in his spare time. Apparently the country boy has a few big-city problems of his own.
I was hoping he'd get his under-achieving rear-end in gear this season in Jacksonville. He's been a bust of a first round draft pick for the Jaguars. I know the fans in Jacksonville aren't Matt Jones believers these days.
They were blasting him on the team message board. According to one Jags' fan, when Jones was told by the police to put his hands where they could be seen, just like when a football is coming his way, he only put up one hand.


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