Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No blood, no foul

After two days, El Dorado's Girls Basketball Camp has gone well. For the most part, it's been on time with all of the participating schools gaining valuable court time for their players.
Of course, this is just one man's perspective. If you ask the officials, who are pocketing a handsome 10 bucks per game, perhaps the camp hasn't been so great.
I put a photo in the News-Times on Wednesday with the tagline, "No blood, no foul." The referees wanted an explanation as soon as I walked into the gym.
Hey, what do you want me to say? They're not calling a lot of stuff. I'm not complaining. It's a summer camp. It's not supposed to be a free throw contest.
It's been a little rough at times but, for the most part, I haven't seen play get out of hand too bad. That hasn't stopped the coaches from voicing their disapproval.
On Tuesday, the team from Ouachita (La.) threatened to leave because of the officiating. On Wednesday, Smackover coach Marsha Cowling got into a heated discussion with the refs which ended with the pregnant Cowling screaming at the top of her lungs, "DON'T DISRESPECT ME!"
Cowling met with the officials after that particular game and any hurt feelings were soothed. But, the coach was about as angry as one can get in the heat of the moment.
Perhaps it wasn't all that bad at El Dorado, however. Randall Miller, assistant boys coach at El Dorado, was given a technical foul at the team camp in Texarkana on Wednesday.
Miller told me the story of how the young "referee" got in his face and asked him if he was a real coach. Miller said he asked the guy if he was a real ref. The technical foul followed.
It was an all-around good day for Miller, who was issued a speeding ticket, while driving the bus to Texarkana. Miller says he was going 61 in a 55.
Man, I won't be complaining about my day, today.
Anyway, there's one more day to the camp in El Dorado. Hopefully, Cowling, did I mention she's pregnant, won't slug anybody. Just in case, I'm going to stay out of her way myself.


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