Monday, December 31, 2007

Choco cake

Why do some people insist on trying to improve chocolate?
You can't improve on chocolate. It's the perfect food.
I'm really tired of someone offering me a piece of homemade fudge, which looks delicious. I bite into it eagerly only to discover a marshmellow or a pecan or something hidden inside.
To quote Nancy Kerrigan, "Why? Why? Why?"
I don't mean to be racist but white folks are often the perpetrators. For some reason, they think chocolate cake, the greatest food ever made, can be improved upon by sticking damn cherries inside.
When you put cherries in it, it's no longer chocolate cake.
I hate whipped cream or any other kind of white splooge that's inserted inside a cupcake. You didn't make it better. You screwed it up.
I don't remember the last time I had chocolate cake without a gooey, crappy surprise inside of it.
My mom knew how to make it. She made chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.
It was the best thing ever created - so simple, yet, so perfect.
It's like I say to myself everytime I look in the mirror. You can't improve on perfection.


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