Friday, December 28, 2007

Inspirational leader

Call me Scrooge all you want, but I'm starting to dread this time of the year. I got sick last year during the holiday and, dadgum if I'm not sick again.
I started feeling bad on Christmas Day and, although I went to Camden for the Holiday Classic on Wednesday, I didn't feel good. I took Thursday and Friday off in hopes of feeling better by the weekend.
We'll see.
I haven't seen much hoops and the two games I did see, Strong losing to Watson Chapel and El Dorado falling to Fordyce, left me uninspired.
The Lady Bulldogs just don't have enough weapons to play that caliber of competition. The Lady Wildcats found a way to lose against a slightly inferior opponent. As bad as I feel, I'm pretty sure El Dorado coach Corey Smith feels even worse.
As I sat in front of the television on Thursday I was riveted to CNN's coverage of the assassination of former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto.
In covering girls sports over the past few years, I've grown to admire strong women. Men are supposed to be strong. But, to me, there is something super special about a strong, fearless female.
Hearing the story of Bhutto, who returned to her country in hopes of establishing a Democracy even though she knew it would mean almost certain death . . . wow!
There's strong and then there's heroic.
Hearing this woman's story inspired me more than any basketball game ever could.


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