Saturday, June 06, 2009

Expect Great?

Wow! The WNBA can't seem to get out of its own way.
After coming up with the lamest slogan ever, "Expect Great," the league popped the cork on the new season with the Sparks and Shock on national television Saturday. That's the Sparks without Candace Parker and the Shock without Cheryl Ford.
The teams turned in an unwatchable performance. I mean, I like women's basketball but I couldn't keep my eyes on this game. It was a wretched display that definitely won't draw any new fans to the league.
First, why would you put this game on national television when you know Parker won't be dressed out? Aren't you trying to showcase your marquee player? Didn't you know she was having a baby?
As it was, she still got more airtime than a lot of the starters.
There were so many whistles and bricks I thought I was watching a construction crew. Expect Great? Well, I certainly expected better.
The highlight of the game was when Tina Thompson and Plenette Pearson got tangled up. The director quickly popped in a tape of last year's brawl between the two teams. I actually wanted to see a replay for once and they started showing clips from last year?
And, for pete's sake, if you're gonna have the coaches wear microphones, at least let us listen to what they're saying. Every time Bill Laimbeer started to talk, Nancy Lieberman would talk over him about the history of women's basketball
I got an idea, turn the coaches' mics up and turn her's off.
The league is struggling, obviously, since the teams are putting sponsors' names on their uniforms, now. Bottom line, if the WNBA wants to survive, it has to put quality on the court. If you want people to watch, you have to give them something to see.
The season opener to this WNBA season was two steps in the wrong direction. There will be some great, entertaining games this season. The league had better find a way to get those on national television instead of stinkers like Saturday.
WNBA, you'd better believe fans expect great. You'd better start delivering great.
Forget great, I'd like something good, please.


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