Monday, May 18, 2009

Talking the talk

I've been interviewing kids in Union County for more years than I care to count. In that time, I've probably encountered 50 or 60 youngsters who I would consider to be well-spoken. Unfortunately, the number of black kids in that group would probably be about 5 or 6.
I don't know why.
Well, I understand it to a degree. Saturday night at the state track meet, I spoke to a black student-athlete who had won two events. The kid was nice enough but was painfully shy and never put a complete sentence together, no matter how many questions I asked.
I then went to a white athlete, Irene Jadic, who communicated clearly and beautifully, revealing all her emotions after an up-and-down meet. I asked this girl one question and was given enough material to write an entire article.
Now, Jadic's parents are a doctor and a teacher. I don't know the black kid's parents but they're probably not a doctor and teacher.
Obviously, how a child is raised tells a lot of this story.
But, as a black journalist, I can't help but be frustrated. I want to tell the black kid's story just like the white kid, but when it's not communicated to me, how can I tell it?
I'm not criticizing, I guess. As a kid, I was never interviewed by a reporter. I was shy back then so I might've come off just like a lot of the black kids I'm talking about, now. I'd like to think I'd express myself in complete sentences but, honestly, I have no idea what I would've sounded like in an interview in the 11th grade.
What's my point, you ask?
I guess I'm just venting. I wish more black youngsters were taught how to express themselves verbally. It's a skill that will serve them well when they go into job interviews or when they apply for scholarships.
This comes up now because we just interviewed 10 kids in Union County for our Scholar-Athlete of the Year Awards. Applicants must have a 3.5 so they're all pretty smart. But, one kid blew me away with the interview while another, whose resume' was better, did not.
Do I go with the person who made an incredible impression in the interview or with the one with a slightly better resume' and the personality of a squash?
My email address is if you have an opinion.


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