Monday, July 30, 2007

Corey Smith fires back

Here is Corey Smith's rebuttal:

"Now the debate begins. As a coach I see things in how to win and how to lose. Sue Bird has proven this fact at every level, not only has she won a WNBA championship, she has also won a olympic gold medal, a collegiate championship, and a high school state championship. My friend I don't recall the great and mighty Becky Hammon winning a collegiate championship at Colorado State. Becky is a good player but not of Sue Bird callaber. It is women among girls. No she is not leading the league in assists but she also has the biggest trait of all as a basketball player. She waits her turn and plays within the system of Seattle. Lauren Jackson is probaly playing the best basketball of any player in the WNBA, but as I watched them play a couple of weeks ago in Madison Square Garden again my favorite player in the league Shameka Christon and the Liberty, and when the game was on the line and the storm were down two with 10 seconds to go who took the last shot not Lauren Jackson, but SUE BIRD hit a three with 3 seconds to win the game. Some people are just what can I say clutch."


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