Friday, June 11, 2010

T-spoon delivers

I believe Teresa Weatherspoon goes into the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame today. I guess this is a good time to name drop. I hugged T-spoon a couple weeks ago.
Hee! Hee!
Actually, I wasn't exactly the Lone Ranger. Pretty much everybody who was in attendance at the AmerCable/News-Times Scholar Athlete Awards Banquet got either a hug or an autograph from Weatherspoon, who is the coach at Louisiana Tech.
I was excited when she agreed to be our special guest speaker. I've heard her talk many times on television and she's always excited and upbeat, even animated. She's one of those people that not only grabs your attention, she chokes it until you can't breathe.
As a speaker, she was even better than I thought she'd be.
Her stories were personal and delivered messages that were right on point with the audience. Of all the thing she talked about, perhaps my favorite were the words "if" and "no" and how important they are in anyone's life.
If you work hard and if you do what you're supposed to do you can be anything you want.
Of course, the ability to say "no" is a skill often not learned until adulthood. That one little two-letter word can sometimes be the difference between life and death.
I was a big T-spoon fan when she was a player. She mentored my favorite player - Becky Hammon and still has the WNBA's signature shot - a three-quarter court game-winning heave at Houston in the finals.
As a coach, I must admit, I'm not the biggest Lady Techster fan. But, I'm a bigger fan now than I was before she came to El Dorado. Before she left, I told her, hopefully the next time I talk to her it'll be about one of our area girls signing with Louisiana Tech.
She said, "let's do that."
All I can say is, "we'll see T-spoon. In the meantime, keep delivering that positive message in the passionate way you brought it at our banquet and you won't have any trouble convincing young girls to come and play for you. Congratulations on the Hall of Fame."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like We will see 3 tomorrow. Thanks for coming on the show. Jason

6:54 PM  

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